I take this opportunity to welcome each of you to True II God Ministries. This ministry is dedicated to raising the standard of spirituality among the people of God; focusing on three key areas, Position, Rights and Heritage in the Kingdom of God.
In this day and age, we have failed to instill within the body of Christ their heritage as being a Child of God. When you are in the bloodline of Christ, you have an inheritance. If Jesus Christ is your Father, you are entitled to every blessing that He has spoken to you in His Word.
III John 1:2 states, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou would prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers”. It is indeed the will of God for blessings in our life . . . if we live an obedient life. Deuteronomy 28 states that all these blessings shall come upon you and over take you . . . IF . . . we harken DILIGENTLY to the word of God. Our part is to listen and heed with all that is within us and THEN the abundance of God’s blessings will flow! These blessings are God’s good pleasure for us as His beloved children (Luke 12:32).
Precious people of God, the Lord has much in store you for today. I pray that you begin to seek Him for every area of your life as never before. He has a destiny for each of you. Seek it, receive it and walk in it!
May the abundant blessings of God overtake your life today!