Elder Tyrone A. Kaiser, Director

Walking In A New Standard Of Holiness!

Pastor Tyrone Anthony Kaiser
the youngest of six children, was born on February 1, 1964.
Pastor Kaiser was baptized in Jesus Name on December 13, 1978, and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost as the spirit of God gave utterance on January 23, 1979, at Solomon's Temple Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Bishop William L. Bonner. He received his spiritual teaching at Greater Grace Temple, Detroit, Michigan, under the Pastorate of his mentor and Father in the Gospel, the late Bishop David L. Ellis.

Among his many duties in the House of God, he has served as a Christian Education Instructor, Associate Minister, Choir Director, NDCPYPU State Youth Chairman, and Assistant Treasurer for the IPYPU, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.

Pastor Kaiser served faithfully for over twenty-one years at Greater Grace Temple, Detroit, MI, which is now under the Pastorate of Bishop Charles H. Ellis III.   He is also the former Youth Pastor of Greater Zion Temple Church in Steubenville, Ohio under the leadership of Bishop Roy C. Dawkins. 

In 2001, Pastor Kaiser founded
"True II God Ministries"
.  This ministry is dedicated to raising the level of spirituality among the people of God, concerning their position, rights and heritage in the Kingdom of God.   Pastor Kaiser has traveled extensively throughout this country proclaiming the gospel and calling for a new standard of holiness within the body of Christ.
In October of 2004, Pastor Kaiser was blessed of God to assume the full time Pastorate of King's Temple Church in Marion, Ohio.  There he serves faithfully as Pastor, Teacher, Prophet and Friend.  He is also a committed servant to the body of Christ and is an active member of the Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.
Pastor Kaiser continues to be an inspiration and a voice proclaiming holiness to the old and young alike.  He is genuinely concerned about and committed to reaching out to those within and without the church body and has dedicated his life for this service.

Page Last Updated: March 4, 2005 11:12 AM

True II God Ministries
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